Sharing Dreams

About the piece

The first Applebee's Metaverse Meal is in collaboration with artist Amber Vittoria. This colorful abstracted interpretation of our burger is titled, "Sharing Dreams," and is inspired by Amber's teenage visits to her local Applebee’s with friends, where they all would share their dreams for the future while sharing a meal. Her hope is for the holder of this NFT to do the same throughout 2022! What’s even better is our first original buyer will receive the burgers (IRL) at an Applebee’s location for free for a year! Details for redemption will be available through the Unlockable Content granted at purchase. After the original purchase, our Metaverse Meal will still be for sale on the Voice platform as a collective NFT artwork, with all royalties on appreciation will benefit the creator.

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/jpeg
  • File size 1.19 MB
  • Category N/A
  • Owner @zenrasta