About the piece
CRUMPET THE WAITER - being a waiter requires attention to detail, a good memory and great customer service skills like friendliness, care and a good sense of humour - all things which many people living with Down syndrome excel at! March 21st is #WorldDownSyndromeDay so we have put together 21 TOASTED CRUMPETS, one for each day in the lead up. All proceeds are going to Down Syndrome International @DSIupdate to support their #LotsofSocks campaign. Don’t forget to buy your funky non-matching socks to wear on the 21st. There’s a sock in each NFT! Down syndrome is also referred to as Trisomy 21 (Trisomy refers to the 3rd copy of a chromosome, which is the 21st pair) which is why 321 is a cool number. Thanks for helping to raise awareness about Down syndrome and inclusion. Elijah and Crumpet are Australian YouTubers who also have their own kid’s books, illustrated by Andy Marshall (like our NFTs). Includes promo code in the Unlockable Content to get a discount off our books. Thank you!
- Creator share 10%
- File type image/jpeg
- File size 642.35 KB
- Category N/A
- Owner @elijahandcrumpet
- Blockchain Polygon