Uncommon Animals of the Alphabet - Aa

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About the piece

Aardvark (Blue) When you look in a dictionary ‘Aardvark’ is the first word you’ll find. And that’s not the only place that they won’t be left behind. You see Aardvarks are champion swimmers and walk on tippy toes, just like ballerinas when they strike a pose. And just where do they get all this energy to paddle and tippy away, we’ll they eat at least 50,000 ants all in just one day. I’ll be minting these test pages for my up an coming Children’s book - Uncommon Animals of the Alphabet - A book where I hope to showcase amazing and uncommon animals that rarely feature in the Alphabet or kids books. All the proceeds from the NFT sales will help fund the publication of this book.

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/jpeg
  • File size 1.1 MB
  • Category Digital illustration