

About the piece

Kuarup is a ritual in honor of the illustrious dead celebrated by the indigenous peoples of the Xingu region in Brazil. The rite is centered on the figure of Mawutzinin, the demiurge and the first man in the world in his mythology. In its origins, the Kuarup would have been a rite aimed at bringing the dead back to life. Made in acrylic and oil pastel on canvas, this work, loaded with regional Amazonian references, is a ritualistic synthesis of Kuarup, a religious ceremony in honor of the dead. In its composition, I immersed myself in a magical world, full of symbolism and ancestral traditions, and absorbed details of the ritual, redefining its particularities and pictorially organizing such concepts on the canvas.

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/jpeg
  • File size 3.12 MB
  • Category N/A
  • Owner @marvinft