Break a Leg III

4/5 remaining

About the piece

“About nothing but true events” body of work is a creative exploration characterised by Impulse, whim and Fantasy while focusing on transition and nowness from a personal stance and as it relates to my practice. I began this series during the lockdown in 2020 as a get-away/daily exercise and more importantly as an exercise to avoid creative block. I was curious about the idea of beginning a thing and letting it take shape, the notion of nurturing and uncertainty as they exist side by side. Furthermore, I also was concerned with the works reflecting current times typified by uncertainty and presentness. The body of work is a continuous presentation that seeks to interpret alternatively personal/daily events. This piece is a unit of the "break your leg body of work".

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/jpeg
  • File size 38.87 MB
  • Category N/A