Pyramid-Golden Ratio-of the one state and the one mind

About the piece

3D-Pyramid-Golden Ratio-of the one state and the one mind Human Genome promise of Trans humanism Human Genome promise of Transhumanism Pyramid and the one mind in the Transhuman experience we are in these days of everything now Visual representation of the Transgenics research experience in the ones whose Genome has been altered by the transfer of a gene from another species. In the post-2020 realm, total system information awareness Club of Rome Style follows the nanoparticles in the chemtrail residue. so just go ahead and Accuse your enemy of doing what you are doing as you are doing it, so as to create confusion en Masse. MBF-Lifestyle NFT Creator studio of Claude Edwin Theriault is currently in pursuit of the Noble Why of sovereign beings in the growing Digital Design experience niche via visual truth-telling symbolist representations that shine a light on the Global Agenda climate disruption taxes to fund the deep state boys' banal evil trills

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/gif
  • File size 4.72 MB
  • Category Graphic design