Chapter 2: The Abyss, suffocates us.


About the piece

I created this piece to symbolize how most individuals would rather suffocate than express their anguish. We smile in public and wear a mask while we go through stress and terrible experiences, accumulating the tension and depressing thoughts. Who cares if I'm happy, we think in this situation. Since no one has asked, it is irrelevant. And I'm not important. Everything is fine as long as I show up. If we don't interrupt the cycle early, it turns to a deadly one that can destroy us. I wish to emphasize considering others' We may make an effort to check in on individuals, despite the fact that we all have things to deal with. You can't predict how much of your positive energy someone will take in.

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type video/quicktime
  • File size 392.34 KB
  • Category Animation
  • Owner @aisu
  • Blockchain Ethereum