We bring Submission to the discourse

About the piece

3D Monolith -We bring Submission to the discourse : Safe in Layered Lightning network with Ethos built on top of money.... so you can own your data and your data dividend; in a foreign place to share what you care about honey. Free of control being given up for convenience in the age of everything now; in the current Four seasons of the apocalypse of change. With no gatekeepers anymore now we have Peer to peer ownership and distribution and control of our media and finances we own and share on Web 3.0 hence the exponential growth. Key factors in an NFT project to watch and invest in; Key is the value behind it and what it is bringing to the table. The funds flowing into the development of the project; are their own funds or an outside liquidity pool source flowing into it, and what they are using the money for in the future. As we present our unique selling proposition in a hallowed halls world in need of we bring submission to the discourse.

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/gif
  • File size 13.84 MB
  • Category Digital illustration