Boat Dreaming

27/50 remaining


About the piece

I was born and raised in Hong Kong where I lived until age 10. Memories of the first 10 years of my life have often felt dream like and out-of-reach, perhaps because I have never been back. The image of the "junk" (boat) on water first appeared in my 2008 series "Borrowed Memory", and later reappeared in "See Memory", my short film made out of 10,000 painting stills. Since 2008. all my work as an artist and filmmaker has explored how our memories define who we are, how we remember, and the inextricable link between memory and imagination. A highlight of my work has been meeting and interviewing renowned neuroscientists and psychiatrists about their work on memory including Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel. Kandel speaks about our "magical capability" called memory. This collection aims to capture that magic.

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type video/quicktime
  • File size 30.68 MB
  • Category Mixed media
  • Blockchain Polygon