La Frontera Central - GODLY


About the piece

The Frontera Central collection is a conundrum, and has dualities within itself. The name is inspired by the fact that the local border is a centralized and yet outlying frontier. For many, it represents a beginning of a foreign land that is wildly alluring, but just beyond reach. As intangible as our subconscious. After the Acrylic and Henna went on the paper, the digital flip found us here. Standing amongst a God. Originally, it was thought to be a powerful Goddess. After some deliberation, it is clear that the figure seen is both crucified and levitating within a heart shape. There's no doubt that Christ has presented himself in this digital work.

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/jpeg
  • File size 4.79 MB
  • Category Mixed media
  • Blockchain Ethereum