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About the piece

My project title is called AFRO MASK Inspired by ancient masks of African people, every mask has a specific spiritual meaning, In many African tribes, masks symbolize unseen, supernatural forces which are beneficial to communities. This could be anything from fertility to weather patterns. The wearer conceptually surrenders his human body when wearing the mask (and sometimes an accompanying costume), transforming into a spiritual being.The tradition of wearing sacred masks also has a long history in Europe, where it was used to connect people with the spirit world and protect them from evil spirits, the evil spirit being the racism and all the social injustice in todays world . The tradition is still alive today in many parts of Africa and other parts of the world. Masks are used during ceremonies, dances and other rituals that involve ancestral spirits and ancestors.

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/jpeg
  • File size 4.99 MB
  • Category Mixed media
  • Owner @lidiya
  • Blockchain Polygon