What Was 2, P's

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About the piece

Myles Kleinfeld: Digital Mind Digital Art refers to artwork that is made using software, computers, or other electronic devices. Anything produced or made on digital media such as illustrations, videos, digital paintings, etc. can be classified as Digital Art. Digital Art can be considered true art because it requires the same creative techniques and skills as traditional art. Making a good quality Digital Art piece requires the same amount of skill, talent, originality, knowledge, and effort as any other traditional art piece. Every artist must learn to master his tools regardless of the medium. Therefore, it’s fair to say Digital Art is true art. Myles Kleinfled art pieces in the 'Digital Mind' exhibition were computer-generated and taken mostly from the letters and numbers on a keyboard. Using Adobe software these works of art are considered digital paintings and have a limited edition.

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/jpeg
  • File size 1.57 MB
  • Category Digital painting
  • Blockchain Ethereum