Woman's Destiny #free #airdrop

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About the piece

I have always listened to elders in my life. Govinda -- fate, fortune, luck, doom, circumstance, chance, kismet, accident, portion, hazard, outcome, predestination, happenstance, hap, lot, effect, development, happenchance, result, casualty, issue, consequence, aftermath, sequel, sequence, resultant, upshot, outgrowth, fruit, conclusion, aftereffect, lady, adult female, female, girl, person, lass, lassie, wife, colleen, Frau, Signora, Señora, the female of the species, bird, gal, Jane, sister, sheila, femme, Judy, dame, broad, frail, maid, maiden, damsel, demoiselle, gentlewoman, bint, mare

  • Creator share 10%
  • File type image/jpeg
  • File size 3.2 MB
  • Category Mixed media
  • Owner @arth2o